To help an entrepreneur: how to calculate product profitability Marginal return on assets by type of economic activity

To help an entrepreneur: how to calculate product profitability Marginal return on assets by type of economic activity

Not only its management, but also investors (both real and potential) and employees (the more efficient...
Presentation on the topic Acmeism

Presentation on the topic Acmeism

1 slide 2 slide ACMEISM (from the Greek akme - the highest degree of something, blooming power) is a movement in Russian poetry of the 1910s. (S. M. Gorodetsky, M. A. Kuzmin,...
The “Indigo” testing system as a means of monitoring student knowledge How can you bypass the Indigo test program

The “Indigo” testing system as a means of monitoring student knowledge How can you bypass the Indigo test program

Super administrator login: admin, password: 12345. After the default installation, the system already has one registered user (Ivanov Ivan...
Sample charter of a non-profit public organization (regional (local) branch of a public organization)

Sample charter of a non-profit public organization (regional (local) branch of a public organization)

REGISTERED by the constituent assembly ____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ "__"___________ 20__...
General requirements for job descriptions

General requirements for job descriptions

The preparation of job descriptions must be carried out in strict accordance with the general procedure for the preparation of regulatory and administrative documents. Compliance...

Presentation: "Hydrosphere

Methodological development of the topic of the 6th grade geography course “Hydrosphere - the water shell of the Earth” Completed by: geography teacher MBOU Gaginskaya SOSHTinyaeva Alla...
Telephone interview: how to prepare for a recruiter

Telephone interview: how to prepare for a recruiter

How do you usually react to HR’s question about what salary you expect? Are you starting to feel shy and speak uncertainly? So that your negotiations about...
The cycle of goodness in the world, or the story of

The cycle of goodness in the world, or the story of the “mechanism” for the return of good deeds

THE CYCLE OF KINDNESS IN NATURE One day a cactus bloomed in a young woman’s apartment. Before that, he had been hanging out on the windowsill for 4 years, looking gloomy and unshaven...
What nodes do you need to know?  Main sea knots.  Clew and Bramsheet knot

What nodes do you need to know? Main sea knots. Clew and Bramsheet knot

In this article we will begin to show and talk about rope knots, their types and different ways of tying them, the information will be updated in translation as...
Phoenix tattoo on wrist small

Phoenix tattoo on wrist small

A tattoo depicting the mystical and legendary phoenix bird is very popular today for a reason, because this symbol carries...